Welcome to Early Years! We have included lots of information on this page to help you as their child begins their time at St. James'.

Class Information

We have two Reception classes in one shared space and two outdoor areas.


P.E. will take place every Thursday.  Please ensure your child comes to school in the appropriate kit on this day.For more information, see our School Uniform page.

What do we learn in Reception?

We follow the new updated EYFS framework.

There are 7 areas of learning:

Personal, social and emotional

Communication and Language

Physical Development



Understanding of the World

Expressive Arts and Design

We follow the curriculum guidance in the Development Matters.  We work towards 17 Early Learning Goals that are a statutory assessment completed at the end of June.

Baseline Assessment

We carry out a statutory Reception Baseline Assessment at the beginning of the year.  It is a short interactive and practical assessment of early literacy, communication, language and maths skills.  This will measure children’s progress from Reception to Year 6. 

Learning Journeys

We use Target Tracker to record observations of your child.  Periodically we will send home your child’s Learning Journey for you to share. 


Please read with your child each day and write a comment in his/her comment book.  Books will be changed every Monday and Friday.

Other Information

We also send home practical activities each Friday via the See-Saw App and a newsletter every three weeks so you know what your child will be learning during each learning theme.

Water Bottles

Please ensure that a water bottle is sent into school every day, clearly labelled with your child’s name.  It will be returned home at the end of each day to be washed ready for use the following day.


We are in the National Fruit Scheme so your child will have access to fresh fruit everyday but, you may wish to send alternative healthy snacks for your child.  Please note that we are a nut free school.

Thank you for your continued help and support, please do not hesitate to contact us with any further queries.

Mrs Taberner                Mrs Storey                Mrs Smith

and the EYFS Team

@OSJ_RecT            @OSJ_RecS

Early Years Curriculum
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