RSHE - A Journey in Love

After consultation with our Governing Body and teaching staff, we introduced the programme, ‘A Journey in Love’, which has been recommended by the Archdiocese of Liverpool. This programme is for the whole school. It starts in Reception and will be taught in each year group up to and including Year 6. We have adapted the lessons to ensure that they are suitable for the needs of the children of St. James'. An overview of the content being taught is included below for your information. This includes the learning outcomes and the main focus of the lessons. Each series of lessons will focus on developing the children as a whole. These lessons will look at the physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development of the children.

Reception: - The children will learn and understand that God has made them unique and that although we are different, we

are all special to him. The main focus is looking at how we are similar and different as well as friendships.

Year 1: - The children will learn and understand that they are growing and developing as members of their own family and

God’s family. The main focus is looking at their own families.

Year 2: - The children will learn and understand that they are growing and developing in a God-given community. The main

focus is about belonging to different communities.

Year 3:- The children will learn and understand the virtues essential to friendship and experience the importance both of

forgiving and of celebrating God’s forgiveness. The main focus is how the children take care of themselves and how they

keep themselves safe.

Year 4: - The children will learn and understand that they are all different and celebrate differences as they appreciate that

God’s love accepts us as we are and as we change. The main focus is recognising how we all develop at different rates.

The children will also learn about the development stages of a baby in the womb.

Year 5: - The children learn and become aware of the physical and emotional changes that accompany puberty- sensitivity,

mood swings, anger, boredom, etc. and grow further in their understanding of God’s presence in their daily lives. The

lessons will also focus on girls’ physical changes and the menstruation cycle.

Year 6: - The children continue to learn and become more aware of the physical and emotional changes that accompany

puberty- sensitivity, mood swings, anger, boredom, etc. and grow further in their understanding of God’s presence in their

daily lives. The lessons will also focus on boys’ physical changes.

RSHE and PSHE Long Term Plan

RSHE Policy

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